Up dated 8th November 2011
MBE Consultants in Technical Refurbishment LLP

Wates House

Their Construction

External walls are storey height PRC panels thickened around their edge with insitu horizontal & vertical joints reinforced along their edges

They may have a cavity with the inner block build off the first floor boards or be backfilled with light weight concrete.

Concerns with the earlier variant that had mitre external corners that could allow water ingress & corrosion to de-stabilise the panel especially where chlorides are present.

The smaller height stringer panel variant were hollow but solid over openings with the 1st floor joists sitting in the panel above. Later variants had solid strringer panels with joists onto timber bearers. 

Earlier Variant

Narrow stringer panel

Mitred corner joint had allowed moisture ingress & probable movement, requiring panel to be replaced in an earlier repair

Later Variant

Solid Stringer panel

Butt joints to external corners, windows cast into complete panels in this hipped variant

External Cladding

Repairs & thermal improvements

Corners strengthened, outside framed up with insulation in & on walls with a board cladding now protect & comfort structure & tenant alike.

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